In many ways the five-year-old is a “bigger-than-life” model of the three-year-old. Your child has the same positive thrusts, self confidence and assertiveness, the desire to please and the outgoing social manner, that make this one of the priceless times of the entire childhood period. The term “the world is her oyster” could as well be applied to the five-year-old as to any age we know of.
The five-year-old is truly ready to take on life. He or she has almost an impatient sense of anticipation for what lies ahead – school, new friends, “the works.” Nothing is more delightful for us than the kindergarten examination – to see this confident young person sitting on the edge of a seat “ready to go.”
The five-year-old is a more abstract person and is beginning to reason, to think things out and put things together. Your child wants to know what things are for and what you do with them. The questions are endless, but more to the point than they were a year earlier. So view such questions with great interest and excitement and appreciation rather than as a nuisance or an interruption. One can literally see the gears grinding and the machinery working in your five-year-old’s fertile young brain.
Our aim is to take this high point of childhood and help your five-year-old to realize its full potential through every year of his or her life ahead. We want to do everything possible to assist you to avoid the detours and the obstructions that sometimes occur. We would like to see the openness, the creativity, the seeking and the refreshing idealism of this age, somehow, linger throughout life that it may ennoble an important state that we call adulthood.