This is a high point in development. Many sacrifices and struggles of early infancy and childhood will now be rewarded with some very positive dividends. The three year old is fun to be with and often likes to please. Motor coordination and abilities allow your child to do many things he or she was unable to do a year earlier. Your three year old is ready to play with others, yet may still be quite happy playing alone. Your child likes to participate, and is learning to “wait her turn.” The two year old cannot share, but the three year old is learning to share and even to bargain.
In terms of motor development, your child is becoming more sure of himself. When running, she can stop without the collisions of a 2 year old. He can manage a tricycle and enjoys pushing a wagon.
Your child will also start to organize words and thought processes. Some of you were worried a year or more ago about when your child would begin talking. Now, many of you may find yourself wishing that your child would occasionally let up.
Tantrums, which we assumed would be left in the “terrible twos”, can be just as “terrible”. Consistency with handling these outbursts is key.
All in all, a three year old is a positive, conforming, well adjusted little person.