Welcome to two years old! Your little one is becoming quite accomplished at all the skills that he/she started in the one year period. Language is accelerating. You should notice that you have an echo. Your child is repeating words overheard in conversation, and he/she will even string some of those words together to create 2-4 word phrases. Parents, this would be the time to really watch your own language. If you tend to add a colorful word or phrase now and then to your everyday jargon, you should be prepared that your two year old might decide to say those same words when out and about.
If you haven’t seen this already, your child will become very skilled at climbing, jumping, and running. Although wonderful that these milestones are solidified, parents need to be extra careful about childproofing and safety. Taking a running leap from the couch to the coffee table doesn’t seem like a good idea to you, but it may be a very appealing idea to a two year old.
Outsmarting your child becomes more difficult at this age since your two year old is as curious as he/she comes. Hiding something or putting it out of reach becomes an obstacle to be conquered, and your two year old is up for the challenge. You will notice that your child can find something even if it is hidden under several layers. Two year olds are also becoming skilled at sorting shapes and colors, understanding directions, and playing simple make believe games.
Even though two year olds are very excited to be near other children, you will notice that they don’t exactly “share” or always include other children in their games. This is normal and should not be considered a problem. Two year olds do something called “parallel play”. They play next to each other, but not together.
Two years old is an exciting age. Don’t forget to have fun and engage your child!